Whatsapp for mac 10.9.4
Whatsapp for mac 10.9.4

whatsapp for mac 10.9.4

I have an FX 8350, so this process should work exactly like it did for me with a similar processor, but i have also installed on a phenom ii (although i havent updated to 10.9.5 on the phenom yet).

whatsapp for mac 10.9.4

f (used when changes have been made in the installation) v (verbose mode, shows you what goes wrong if there are issues)

whatsapp for mac 10.9.4

Move contents from BSA/Patched AMD kernel folders to Mac disk-ĭitto (drag and drop folder BSA folder)(drag and drop folder with same name in mac disk) Sudo dd if=(drag your DMG here and then type the next thing)of=/dev/r(your identifier) bs=1mĭefaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES Mav Kexts (get the one that is 822.93KB in size): Links: Niresh Distro USB Mavericks installer:

Whatsapp for mac 10.9.4